Democracy, Elections, and Human Rights

    AI - Amnesty International
    CDD - Center for Democracy and Development, UK
    ELE - Database on Elections Worldwide
    FH - Freedom House (see Freedom House Report)
    ICHR - International Council on Human Rights Policy

    IDI - Israel Democracy Institute

    Economics and Social Development

    AEI - American Enterprise Institute

    CEPR - Center for Economic Policy Research
    EPI - Economic Policy Institute
    ESRI - Economic and Social Research Institute Japan
    FMN - Free Market Network
    IMF - International Monetary Fund
    MDRC - Manpower Demonstration Resource Center
    NBER - National Bureau of Economic Research
    OECD - Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development

    OWAC - OECD Washington Center
    SES - Institute for Socioeconomic Studies

    Elderly and Aging

    COAGE - Centre on Ageing, The University of Hong Kong
    IFA - International Federation on Ageing
    HAGE - Help Age
    NCAS - National Center on Aging Society

    Environmental Policy

    CIEP - Canadian Institute for Environmental Law and Public Policy
    CCER - Center for International Climate and Environment Research
    GAEP - Governmental Agencies for Environmental Policy
    SEI - Stockholm Environment Institute
    WWI - Worldwatch Institute

    Family and Children

    - Australian Institute for Family Studies
    CN - Children Now Organization
    IFCW - International Forum for Child Welfare
    NNCC - National Network for Child Care


    AECF - Amie E. Casey Foundation
    BST - Bertelsmann Stiftung
    CF - Century Foundation
    CWF - Canada West Foundation
    EEMF - Eni Enrico Mattei Foundation (on environment), Italy
    ERF - Environment Research Foundation
    FORD - Ford Foundation
    FUT - The Future Foundation
    GILL - Gill Foundation
    HF - Heritage Foundation
    NAF - New America Foundation
    NSF - National Science Foundation, Political Science Program
    NOW - Now Foundation, National Organization for Women
    NWF - The National Women's Foundation
    PFF - Progress and Freedom Foundation
    PWF - Public Welfare Foundation

    General Social Sciences and Area Studies

    AFSA - African Studies Association
    ARC - Applied Research Center

    ASSR - Arab Social Science Research Organization
    AOB - Asian Observer
    AAEAS - Austrian Association of East Asian Studies
    - DMOZ (research links)

    IEA - Instituto de Estudos Avançados, Brazil
    NA - National Academy of Sciences
    NIRA - Japan National Institute for Research Advancement
    RA - RAND Organization

    SEARC - South East Asia Research Centre, City University of Hong Kong

    SDI - Seoul Development Institute
    SRI - SRI International
    TDRI - Thailand Development Research Institute
    URB - Urban Institute
    WZB - Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin (science center)

    Governments and Welfare Provision

    CLINK - Centrelink, Australia
    CDC - The Centres for Disease Control, US
    EUC - European Commission
    EUP - European Parliament

    MHLW - Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Japan
    USAID - US Aid

    Health and Health Services

    AIN - Initiative for Reprodcutive Health in Asia
    WHO - World Health Organization

    International Organizations

    ADB - Asia Development Bank

    CWI - Commonwealth Institute
    PFD - Partners for Development (on Somalia, Rwanda, Bosnia, Cambodia, Nigeria)
    REL - Relief Web, UN
    UN - United Nations
    UNAP - United Nations Economic and Social Commission on Asia and the Pacific

    OL - Online Lotteries
    - World Bank
    WP - World Policy
    WW - WTO Watch (poverty and social development)

    Labor Market

    AFL - American Federation of Labor
    DOL - US Department of Labor
    EDP - Employment Development Department, Canada

    ILO - International Labor Organization
    NJFO - National Job For All Coalition
    RMON - Reform Monitor (on social policy, labor market policy, and industrial relations)
    USWF - US Workforce

    Other Helpful Links

    APA - American Psychological Assocation
    APC - Association for Progressive Communication
    CAEC - Council for Asia Europe Cooperation
    CIA - Central Intelligence Agency, World Fact Book 2001
    - Center for International Policy
    ESOSC - European Social, Organisational and Science Consultancy
    ETHN - Ethnologue, Database on All Languages Worldwide (also per country)
    GADESW - Global Alliance for Deep Ecological Social Work
    - International Federation of Social Workers

    LIB - Liberalism Directory
    - Media Channel, Policy Center
    PIRG - Public Interest Research Groups
    SPVL - Social Policy Virtual Library
    - Terrorism Research Center
    WSOC - World Socialist

    Political Science

    APSA - American Political Science Association
    CONST - Constitutions Around the World
    ZAP - Center for Applied Political Research, Vienna

    Public Policy, Social Policy

    CATO - a policy think tank organization
    CBUD - Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
    CIPP - Calvert Institute for Public Policy
    CLASP - Center for Law and Social Policy

    CPS - Centre for Policy Studies, UK
    CPPP - Center for Public Policy Priorities

    EUC - European Center (center on social policy, Vienna)
    EPN - Electronic Policy Network

    GI - Global Issues
    GP - Global Policy

    IEL - IEL Policy Exchange
    IND1 - Independence Institute
    IND2 - The Independent Institute
    IPFB - International Policy Fellowships Budapest

    IPS - Institute for Policy Studies, Singapore

    MAC - The Mackinac Center for Public Policy
    MATS - Matsushito Institute of Government and Management
    MI - Manhattan Institute (public policy)
    NC - National Center for Public Policy Research
    NCPA - National Center for Policy Analysis

    NPA - National Policy Association
    PC - Population Council
    PHC - Phoenix Center
    PN - Policy Network
    PPI - Progressive Policy Institute

    PRA - Political Research Associates
    RTI - Research Triangle Institute (public policy)
    RUPRI - Rural Policy Research Institute

    - Social and Economic Policy Institute

    - Social Policy Organization

    TRPI - Tomas Riviera Policy Institute (Latinos and public policy)
    VPC - Violence Policy Center

    WIPP - Washington Institute for Public Policy

    Social Exclusion and Poverty

    JCPR - Joint Center for Poverty Research
    NAPO - National Antipoverty Organization, Canada
    PR - Poverty and Race Research Action Council

    Social Insurance (Social Security)

    ISSA - International Social Security Association
    NASI - National Academy of Social Insurance
    PSI - Center for Pensions and Social Insurance

    SSA - Social Security Administration

    Welfare NGOs

    CCH - Catholic Charities in the US
    CWIN - Child Workers in Nepal Concerned Center
    NWJ - Northwest Justice Project (on justice, social welfare)
    PNGO - Welfare NGO Project, Palestine
    WIN - Welfare Information Network

    Women and Gender

    CWPS - Center for Women Policy Studies
    FEM - Femminist Com

    IWPR - Institute for Women's Policy Research
    MA - MADRE (women's rigths organization)
    NCWF - National Center for Policy Research for Women and Families
    NGLTF - National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Policy Institute
    NTF - Nine To Five National Association for Working Women
    NWOJ - National Women's Organization, Jordan
    RTF - Raise the Floor Organization (on working poor and women)
    SNBW - Support Network for Battered Women
    WEAP - Women's Economic Agenda Project

Democracy, Elections, and Human Rights
International Organizations
Economics and Social Development
Labor Market
Elderly and Aging
Other Helpful Links
Environmental Policy
Political Science
Family and Children
Public Policy, Social Policy
Social Exclusion and Poverty
General Social Science and Area Studies
Social Insurance (Social Security)
Governments and Welfare Provision
Welfare NGOs
Health and Health Services
Women and Gender

Research Links